Custoza DOC “Collezione Famiglia Lenotti”

Custoza “Lenotti Family Collection” is a unique wine. You won't always find it available. Only the best vintages, which we judge as perfect, will see the birth of this wine. We are extremely rigorous in our production choices and we just want to offer you the best.

Born on the hills behind Castelnuovo del Garda, in our 22-hectare "Betulla" vineyard.

Its peculiarity, which makes it a unique Custoza, is the careful manual selection of the grapes coming only from the highest part of the vineyard. Only from the rows on the top of the small hill that characterizes this vineyard, the most exposed to the sun, the most airy, are the Trebbiano, Friulano and Garganega grapes born for our Custoza "Collezione Famiglia Lenotti", whose maximum production is about 1,000 bottles , individually numbered for each year of production. Will you be able to find your favorite bottle number?